John Hauser

“Garp: A MIPS Processor with a Reconfigurable Coprocessor”

Article by John R. Hauser and John Wawrzynek, published in Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM ’97, April 16–18, 1997), pp. 24–33.
10 pages.

Abstract: Typical reconfigurable machines exhibit shortcomings that make them less than ideal for general-purpose computing. The Garp Architecture combines reconfigurable hardware with a standard MIPS processor on the same die to retain the better features of both. Novel aspects of the architecture are presented, as well as a prototype software environment and preliminary performance results. Compared to an UltraSPARC, a Garp of similar technology could achieve speedups ranging from a factor of 2 to as high as a factor of 24 for some useful applications.

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-> Adobe PDF document, 1997_Hauser_Garp.pdf.


John Hauser, 2024 September 12